Hosted Training Events
Level 1 Group Therapy Training
Date: 25/11/2024 - 29/11/2024
Price: £1200 inc VAT
ASK Psychology are hosting a Level 1 and Group Theraplay Training. The training is intensive, interactive, physical and fun!
The training will be facilitated by Dr Amelia Taylor, Educational Psychologist and Dr Helen Rodwell, Clinical Psychologist.
The training venue is Caledonian Hotel which is located in Jesmond, Newcastle. We have a booking code if you would like accommodation. The venue has parking and is 5 minutes on the metro from Newcastle train station. The metro also serves the airport.
The full week costs £1200 inc VAT.
If you would like to attend, or have any questions, please email Claire at with ‘Theraplay’ in the email subject line. Claire will send a booking form and payment details.
Please note: The course dates are 25 November-29 November 2024. You will be asked to complete a Training Eligibility Declaration Form before you can attend this training. Please note that Theraplay Level 1, Level 2 or Group training does not qualify you to provide ‘Theraplay’ but will enable you to use ‘Theraplay-informed’ principles and ideas in your professional practice.
Training Packages
The following are training packages which are available from the ASK Psychology team. These training courses are evidence based and developed by our multi-disciplinary team. They can be delivered to your individual team/school or across a group of schools such as through whole trust training. The content and the timings noted here are ideally how the packages would be delivered but please contact us to discuss bespoke packages or specific adaptations to your needs.
We believe in the value of learning together over time, and revisiting important information in order to support learning and development. Most of our training courses ideally include an initial or multiple content sessions followed by workshops to further embed learning and connect directly to school practices. This approach optimises impact and supports the ongoing learning and reflection of staff.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Introduction to Emotional Regulation
(1/1.5 session)
This package discusses what emotional regulation is, how it affects other areas of children and young people’s development, how it develops typically and how the adults in school can effectively support.
Regulating through Zones
(1.5 hour plus1 hr follow up workshop)
This is an approach and curriculum which supports children and young people to develop their self-regulation skills, by helping them better understand their emotions, sensory needs and thinking patterns. Children and young people learn different strategies to manage their emotions depending on how they are feeling. Zones can help children to recognise their own triggers, learn to read facial expressions, develop problem-solving skills, and become more attuned to how their actions affect others.
An Introduction to the Principles of Theraplay
(1.5 hr session)
This package discusses what emotional regulation is, how it affects other areas of children and young people’s development, how it develops typically and how the adults in school can effectively support.
Learning with Theraplay
(2 twilights and 1 full day session)
This course is certified training through Theraplay UK therefore there are additional charges to cover the resources sent for each person and their registration. This also covers administration of the course through Theraplay UK. The charges are £60 per person. The course can be delivered to groups of 12 staff with one trainer and 24 staff with two trainers. This course will provide schools with a basic understanding of the principles of Theraplay and how they can be applied within schools and classrooms.
Sessions will encompass lots of practical elements and the course provides a great foundation for Level 1 or Group Theraplay.
Pillars of Play
(2 twilights and bespoke modelling and coaching as school implement)
This is an introduction to a model of group play for building social skills and emotional regulation. There is a focus on safe touch and the theory behind this as well as practicalities will be discussed. Course attendees will try out the activities and work in groups to plan how their own sessions will look. There are options for us to facilitate a session in school which can be observed or videoed following this and then for us to support staff to implement.
PACE ( Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy)
(1.5 hr followed by 1.5 hr workshop):
The PACE approach was developed by psychologist Dan Hughes and is a way of interacting and being with children and young people to promote the experience of safety and connectedness. While it was initially developed for working with children and young people who have experienced trauma, we find using the PACE approach (or SPACE as we like to call it, which includes reference to our own self-regulation) helps practitioners to think, feel, communicate and behave in ways which may all children feel safe, secure and heard.
Supporting pupils with worry and anxiety
(1.5 hr session followed by 1 hour workshop
This course will outline theories around anxiety and practical approaches to support pupils. Each staff group will choose a strategy or tool to use over the coming weeks and evaluate it. This will then be presented at the workshop session.
Cognition and Learning
Precision Teaching
(1.5 hour session followed by a 1 hour workshop to reflect on intervention data)
This approach is an evidence based tool for intervention with children and young people who are struggling to make progress within the curriculum. The intervention aims to break more complex rote skills into component parts to support accuracy and fluency of key skills (including numeracy, literacy and language). Precision teaching is a powerful intervention tool that is designed to meet students where they are in to boost their engagement, confidence and progress. It is recognised by Ofsted as it includes tight data monitoring systems. Children and young people are involved at all stages of the intervention, helping them feel empowered, which can positively impact on the self-esteem of the learner.
Whole school policies and practices
Relational Practice
(1.5 hour introductionary session)
This introductory session highlights the importance of relational practices and provides practical advice and techniques for effectively integrating them into the school environment. It is important to follow up this session with additional training and supervision groups.
Coaching Circles
(1.5 hour introduction followed by support sessions)
This package offers an introduction to coaching circles, along with practical approaches for implementation. Participants will gain theoretical insights and benefit from our experience in facilitating staff training and integrating coaching circles into various environments. This program marks the start of a longer journey toward fully embedding coaching circles.
Understanding Developmental Trauma and Attachment
(1.5 hr session)
This training will provide an overview of attachment theory and the
neuroscience of the stress response system. It includes reflective activities and video content. It is ideal training for
schools and organisations who wish to embark on the journey of becoming trauma informed and attachment aware.
It emphasises the importance of reflection and regulation for adults, understanding behaviour as communication
and empathy and compassion within relationships.
Executive functioning: understanding, adaptations to teaching and environment
(1.5 hour session with 1 hour workshop}
A broad introduction to the concept of executive functioning and the skills included and how these can impact on learning. With greater understanding of executive functioning, approaches to adapt teaching and differentiate to individual learning profiles can be effectively implemented. This package includes a follow-up workshop to support staff to reflect upon, measure the impact of and further adapt their teaching practice for those experiencing differences in their executive functioning.
Mediated learning experiences and optimising the impact of Teaching Assistants in school
(1.5 hr session Teaching Assts and 1.5 hr session all staff)
Training and support directly to Teaching Assistants to add to their understanding of learning theory and the impact of mediated learning. This package also includes whole staff support to reflect upon and optimise the impact of Teaching Assistants in the classroom, and make sure adults within the classroom are effectively utilised.
Understanding neurodiversity and developing a neurodiverse inclusive classroom
(two 1.5 hour sessions or half day training session):
This package helps participants to understand the broader concepts of neurodiversity in our communities. The course will outline some effective adaptations to teaching delivery, structures and routines in school which are inclusive of a neurodiverse community.
Working memory
(1.5 hour session with 1 hour workshop}
A broad introduction to memory systems with a specific focus on working memory and the impact this can have on learning including the retention and
generalisation of learning. With greater understanding of working memory as a specific executive functioning,approaches to adapt teaching and differentiate to individual learning profiles can be effectively implemented. This package includes a follow-up workshop to support staff to reflect upon, measure the impact of and further adapt their teaching practice for those experiencing differences in their working memory.
Speech, Language and Communication
Phonological Awareness
(1.5 hour session )
Phonological Awareness (PA) refers to an individual’s awareness of thesound structure, or phonological structure, of spoken words. It is the understanding that words can be broken down into smaller parts, and that these parts can be manipulated. It creates the foundation for both literacy and speech sound development. This session covers what PA is, why it’s important, how to assess PA skills and how to support the development of PA skills in the wider classroom context and through specific activities.
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
( session)
DLD is a lifelong condition affecting around 2 children in ever average classroom of 30 in the UK. Despite this high number of children, many people don’t know a lot about it. This session covers what DLD is, what to look out for and how to support children with DLD in the classroom.
Supporting Communication Skills in the Early Years
(1.5 hour session)
This session covers the ages and stages of speech sound development (i.e. what sounds to expect when), typical speech error processes, how to screen for speech sound difficulties and practical strategies to support children to develop their speech sound skills. There is the option of a follow up workshop, allowing staff to have a go at the speech screener and feedback, and more detail regarding intervention approaches.
Supporting Children with Communication Needs in the Early Years
(1 hour session )
This session focusses more specifically on how to support children with significant communication needs, which includes approaches such as Intensive Interaction, Makaton, Objects of Reference and activities to develop joint attention
Supporting Speech Sound Development
( session)
DLD is a lifelong condition affecting around 2 children in ever average classroom of 30 in the UK. Despite this high number of children, many people don’t know a lot about it. This session covers what DLD is, what to look out for and how to support children with DLD in the classroom.
(1 hr session)
Around 8% of children and 1% of adults stammer, yet it remains an area which is often misunderstood. If not supported in the right way, stammering can go on to impact a child’s overall well-being, selfesteem and their participation in a range of speaking situations. This session offers an introduction to what stammering is, debunk common ‘myths’, covers what to look out for and when to refer on, as well as how to support a child/young person who is stammering.
Early Years Communication consultation packages
- Good communication in the Early Years training (1.5 hours-universal level)
- Learning walk (supported by an EP/SALT/OT-3 hours)
- Communicating classrooms audit
- Specialist tools and approaches for children with communication need (1.5 hour – targeted/specialist level)
- 2 hour consultation and action planning with specialist (EP/SALT/OT)
- Access to key resources connected to training/consultation
Physical and Sensory Development
Sensory Processing
(2 hour session )
An introduction to understanding sensory development and the impact of sensory challenges on learning.
(1.6 .hr session)
The impact of motor coordination on movement and learning. How to identify motor co-ordination challenges in this area and universal approaches to supporting students.
Movement to Learn
(1.5 hr session)
The significance of creating a learning environment that supports movement approaches to learning. The impact of movement on development and how to support learners who need to move. Kinaesthetic approaches to learning will also be considered.
Visual and Auditory Processing
(1 hour session )
An understanding of how challenges for students may present and how this links with arousal and anxiety
Sensory friendly environments and impact on learning
(1.6 .hr session)
Understanding the importance of the environment on sensory development. How to create an environment that facilitates optimal development and progression.
Movement to Learn
(1.5 hr session)
Understanding the importance of the environment on sensory development. How to create an environment that facilitates optimal development and progression.